You have been warned.
I do not, as a general rule, hate technology. I think it has its time and place and I certainly think it has improved the quality of our lives in many, many ways.
But at this moment, I want to throw my [deleted expletive] computer at the wall. And here's why.
Not once, but twice now, I have gone to write a post for this blog and, not once, but twice, the window has shut down, without warning, after I'm almost completely done. Normally the recovery function would kick in and save most of, if not all, of my work. Nope. Not one single word was saved. Nothing.
I can't even begin to describe my level of anger at this. I want to take my (obviously useless) computer and throw it out of the window.
"But Katie!" You're thinking, "Did you look in the files on your computer? Did you go through all the automatically saved, temporary or recently used files stored on your computer?"
Yes. I did. For an hour, my computer person (more commonly known as my brother), sifted through endless files to try to find it. Nothing. A saved word file entitled, "Bacon Cupcakes" - empty. As though my little fingers didn't even type a measely word. Zilch. Zip. Zero.
And yes, I did push the save button. One time, this is what prompted the shutting down fiasco. The other, it seemed to have made no difference.
So today, in this moment, I hate you, technology. You can die. If you were a person, I'd want to hit you, and I'm not even (that) violent of a person. But I'm mad.
I ought to open a window and scream, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"
Heh. At least extreme anger at inanimate objects is kind of funny.
I am posting a happy, serene picture in an attempt to actualize such feelings within myself. We'll see how it goes.