The Christmas markets are up in full force here and although our local Thionville market (just a short car ride away) is small, it was nice to stop by the other day and have a drink with a few friends. And also, since I’m talking about it, and you’re already picturing the holly jolly scene, I have to tell you something cool that happened.
We ran into some friends while we were there.
French friends, no less.
Now I know I come from a larger city (where randomly running into people rarely happens), and maybe this kind of thing happens all the time when you live in the middle of nowhere, but running into French friends while in town totally made me stoked. Because it means I actually live here. And I know people. And I have friends that live here, too. How cool is that?
I kind of didn't take many pictures of the Christmas market. Probably because it was raining and I was too wimpy to stand out in the rain to take a photo. But here are couple shots of some desserts, because I'm me, and couldn't possibly say no to a picture of a giant cookie.