You know how they say, "when it rains, it pours?" I kind of felt that way recently, when I realized I was in the market for both a new ipod AND a new camera. A few months ago, my camera was stolen from my gym (99% sure it was one of the employees... not even going there right now) and then a couple weeks ago, my camera leapt to its death (and by "leapt to its death" I mean I dropped it at the bar. oops.). So I finally bit the bullet and bought a new ipod touch and a new digital camera. I'm now completely obessed with the ipod. I even have thumb fatigue from tapping away at it. However, since I had to buy more than I was prepared to, I had to downgrade a bit on the camera. I had wanted a Canon PowerShot s95, but opted instead for the more reasonably priced Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS. I took some test photos out in our garden this morning and was happily surprised by the image quality and the number of features it has. So I'm a happy camper. :)